Cebuano Artists Painting Collection - John Dinglasa

John Dinglasa is one of the member of the notable Dinglasa clan of visual artists consisting of cousins and siblings from Samboan, Cebu which includes Jess Dinglasa, Reynan Dingal, Mimit Carredo, Julieto Angana and his six-year-old son Jian Kenshin, Adonis Bilocura, Hemernio Dinglasa Jr., John Louie Dinglasa, Roel Fisalbon and Alfred Fuentes.

After Odette, Acrylic on canvas, 24"x 30", 2022

They were discovered by Cebu Artists Inc. (CAI) members when they conducted an outreach program—a painting workshop in Samboan in 2005. The young Dinglasa came out as the grand prize winner in one of the on-the-spot painting competition organized by the group. Since then, these homegrown artists have been participating in CAI activities, exhibiting their natural artistic capabilities as none of them has had formal art schooling.

Although exposed to the conservative vein of painting, Dinglasa paints with his heart as he interprets the scenic beauty of his community. Concerned not so much with the minute details as with the transient feelings his subjects evoke in him, he heaps on warm or cool colors working with bold brush strokes.

Dinglasa is more at ease with oils, but with his willingness to experiment and explore different media and techniques, he has produced quite a number of works in acrylic, watercolor and pen and ink.

After the Rain, 24" x 30", Oil on Canvas, 2021

His dream of becoming a successful artist has its own share of difficulties and challenges. Criticisms, rejections and lack of materials have never deterred from pursuing his goals. However, with the help and encouragement of Benji Goyha, a renowned painter and art organizer from Samboan, these challenges were slowly overcome. 

It was however Celso Pepito who encourage him to join Cebu Artists Incorporated (CAI) which gave him more opportunities to be actively involved in the art scene, participating in art exhibits, art talks and collaborations with other organizations. 

From a shy young artist from Samboan, John Dinglasa shines as an excellent example to many aspiring artists. His patience, humility and dedication have proved that talent plus character always extol an artist to greater heights.

Wash Day, 16"x 20", Oil on canvas, 2022

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