Cebuano Hyperrealist Painters

For several years I was deep into photography. I delved into all sorts- landscape, portrait, night, macro but my favorite kind was travel photography. So I wasn’t really into realist paintings thinking that photography was superior in this regard. My types of paintings were Impressionism and Cubism- if something looks realistic, it doesn't tickle my fancy. Until one day I saw what I thought was a photograph- but it was a actually a painting. I was impressed! This type of painting is called hyperrealism. Hyperrealism is a genre of painting and sculpture resembling a high-resolution photograph and is considered an advancement of photorealism by the methods used to create the resulting paintings or sculptures. It takes technical art to the highest level. The term is primarily applied to an independent art movement and art style in the United States and Europe that has developed since the early 1970s. Carole Feuerman is considered the forerunner...