"For the Love of Painting" - An Art Exhibit

One of the "desirable" things the pandemic accorded us was solitude. Solitude brings silence, and with silence comes stillness. Silence ( Matthew 6:5-8 ) eliminates the external secular noise, and stillness ( Psalm 46:10 ) the internal mental chatter (guilt, worry, too busy with earthly concerns). These attenuates the voices of the flesh; worship becomes effortless and the mind more attuned to the Spirit of God , making creativity, a shared trait of God and men, conducive. Praying in the Spirit necessitates that one is continually connected to God. If this connection is cut by sin, one has to pray to reconnect. Christians must maintain this connection for prayer to be effective. We pray for God's will to be done and that He be merciful to humanity whom He loves inspite of them undeserving of His love. If we ask for something and is not given, it isn't God's will and He might give you something better. So, just be patient and continue to pray. We lost God...